A bike ride at Lake Havasu City

It was a great day for a bike ride, and I decided to check out a trail that parallels Highway 95 through Lake Havasu City

I made a slight detour to ride across London Bridge in town.

It seems that classic cars are everywhere around here!  If you need one, there are some beauties available for sale.


  1. It seems like you wouldn't want to miss the London Bridge. Looks like great weather.

  2. What a trip Ken ..thanks for taking us along …Angelika

  3. My friend Barbie McCulloch's dad developed Lake Havasu (he made his dough with McCulloch Oil and McCulloch Chain Saws) and brought the London Bridge over and installed it there. We were teenagers at the time. Seemed as silly then as it does now. He was a character, and would only wear saddle shoes, even to meet the Lord Mayor of London.

    1. Buying London Bridge, moving it, digging a canal to change what was a peninsula into an island, and the reconstructing London Bridge to connect the new "Island District" to the rest of Lake Havasu City... all crazy at the time. And then others picked up the ersatz British theme and built all kinds of phony stuff to jump on the bandwagon. Where else but in the middle of the Arizona desert?

  4. Wow, Ken! I envy your level of energy. I hope you still have some by the time you make it to Illinois!


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