Moundville Archaeological Park, Moundville, Alabama

I stopped and stayed overnight in Moundville, Alabama, an archaeological site operated by the University of Alabama.  It was developed in the 1930s as a Civilian Conservation Corps project.  A small museum, a road looping through the site, a campground, displays depicting life in the area, and a meeting / convention center are located there.

The site was inhabited about 1,000 years ago by a population estimated of up to 20,000.  The people built a number of mounds up to 15 -20 feet high; the purpose of the mounds is unknown.  By the time Europeans arrived in North America the population at Moundville had declined.

Steps leading up Mound B, and a view from the top of the mound:



  1. That looks beautiful; cool history too! Sara

  2. What an interesting place - and your campsite looks very nice too.

  3. Yes, what an interesting place. It would be fun to go to the museum.


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