Great Falls, Montana

I stayed with my sister Alice in Great Falls, Montana for a couple of days

The Courthouse in Great Falls

We took a look at some of the murals around town

Some scenes along the Missouri River as it runs through Great Falls

Giant Springs, the source of the Roe River that runs only 201ft from its source until it empties into the Missouri River which is the longest river in the US, running 2,540 miles

Alice and me enjoying lunch at Miss Kitty's Coffee Cafe



  1. Will Rogers! Great to see siblings on their home turf...

  2. It was great having Ken here. The video of Giant Springs couldn't capture the spring surface which is like a huge bubbling cauldron sending fresh water into the Missouri. The industrial center he showed in one video is on the "other side" of the river from the original town. It has all grown up around that area now.


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